Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Importance of Being Late

I'm a day late in posting.
More than a day.

My bad.

To be completely honest, I've been so busy this last week I didn't even realize it was Saturday.

Today's post is going to be very short, because I need to get ready for work in eight minutes.

Let's talk about being late for a moment.

Inappropriate Lateness

It's considered socially unacceptable to be late. It's seen as lazy, disrespectful, and unkind. Making people wait isn't good. 

Don't be late.

People like to show up to social functions a few minutes early, or at least right on time, so that they're not frowned upon as "late".

Do you know late people in your life? People who consistently run like their inner clock is set five minutes slower than everyone else and no number of clocks and deadlines can change them?

I'm an early person. I like to be early. Sometimes, too early. Whoops. But I know a lot of late people.

And... I think there's something to be learned from them, even if it's impolite to show up late sometimes.

Being Late, Being Whole

Many of the people I know who are consistently late are very laidback. They're the "we'll get there when we get there" and they don't stress about it. That's an interesting idea. I'm usually quite stressed if I feel like I'm going to be late. Late for this, late for that, late for all of the things. It's a mountain of stress that I don't need. 

So what can we learn from being late?
It's okay to let go of stress and be late sometimes. If you apologize, people will forgive. That's a nice fact that's true for most situations except for final exams and job interviews and conference meetings. 
Don't be late for those.

But it's okay to be late. 
It is.
Really, it is.
It's okay to be late for a blog post. It's okay to be late in feeding your cat once in a while. It's okay to be late to the big party, it's okay to be late.

Not always, but sometimes.

I'm not saying we should all be late all of the time, but sometimes... Sometimes maybe we should. Sometimes, it's healthy to be late. 


  1. Another great post Aidan. Being late usually stresses me out as well so it's a good reminder for me. That sometimes we need to let go of all that stress. Thank you for writing this, Aidan!

    1. My pleasure Ashley! I'm glad this could be a reminder for you. ^_^
